Germany: Politics - Society - History
elearning (reading course)
Language level: B1 - C1/C2
This reading course uses the LSI.Digital learning platform and is targeted at learners of German with previous knowledge of the language at level B1. The aim of the course is to improve reading skills towards language level C1/C2.
This reading course, consisting of 9 didactic units, consists of 90 texts as well as approximately 370 exercises. The course presents selected facts, topics and contexts from the areas of history, society and politics in Germany. The topic “History” contains texts about the middle ages and modern era, but also about the current contemporary history of the 20th century. In the topic area “Society” you will find questions about social development, the relationship between generations, sexes and social groups as well as socio-ethical language problems. The area “Politics” offers an introduction of facts, structures and events of the political life in Germany. Additionally, basic concepts, analyses and critical assessments along with important key texts about the political thinking in Germany are presented.
Language level
Requirements/previous knowledge
- B1
Level (GER)
- B1 - C1/C2
Booking and registration
All LSI e-learning courses can be booked individually for a period of three, six or twelve months. After booking, you will receive an access code with your chosen course and the duration of use. If you do not yet have an account for the LSI.Digital learning platform, you can register here and then use the access code to activate your course.
3 months
6 months
12 months
Book Course

Adele Kalt
Project Coordination
T. +49 234 6874-427