Germany: Education and Science
elearning (reading course)
Language level: B1 - C1/C2
This reading course uses the LSI.Digital learning platform and is targeted at learners of German with previous knowledge of the language at level B1. The aim of the course is to improve reading skills towards language level C1/C2.
The course is aimed at German learners who are interested in the topic of education, higher education and science in Germany. It includes four didactic units with 42 texts and approximately 160 exercises. The course provides knowledge about the German education and study system, the diversity of the course of education and pedagogical approaches, but also the challenges arising during an apprenticeship or course of studies. In the final unit selected scientific fields are briefly outlined and current issues are addressed with which scientists are confronted with both today and in the future.
Book Course

Adele Kalt
Project Coordination
T. +49 234 6874-427